Monday, October 23, 2006

Doggy tales

People always ask me how Brent and I got into fostering dogs. I guess this blog is as good of a place as any to tell our story.

When our puppy Bella was about 6 months old, Brent and I began looking for a second dog to add to our family. We passed application and home check processes with flying colors, but every dog we tried to adopt just didn't work out. One dog's foster dad sold him without telling the rescue group, one dog was adopted before we got a chance to drive 7 hours to meet him, one dog developed dog aggression while we were waiting to adopt him. Needless to say, we were pretty dismayed and decided to just give up our search for the time being.

Giving up the search for a second dog allowed us to consider the possibility of fostering. We contacted a local rescue group to see if they had anything available, and they did! A sweet 1-year-old male pit bull/lab mix needed a new home because his owners were getting divorced and moved out of their house into separate apartments that didn't allow pets. Enter Remy. Remy stole our hearts from his very first day in our house. He was so sweet, gentle, and absolutely lovey-dovey that we knew we'd never be able to let him go. When the rescue group told us they had a potential home lined up, we told them that Remy was no longer available for adoption because we were keeping him!

After deciding to keep Remy in March, we took a little break from fostering until August. Since August, we've had two fosters, both of which were placed in excellent, loving homes. Although it is extremely hard not to get attached (I fell really hard for our most recent foster), knowing these dogs are going to great homes where they will be loved until the end of their days makes it a little easier to say goodbye (or rather "see you later!")

Remy's first day at our home (very skinny, stinky, and dandruffy)

Remy today (happy, healthy, and gorgeous!):

Our second foster, Jazzie (9-month-old pit bull mix):

Our third foster, Norris (APBT) - now named Lincoln:

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