Saturday, December 30, 2006

Possible new foster

Well, Norris' owner picked him up today. It's always hard to say goodbye to the little guy. :)

We might be getting another foster puppy soon. A guy contacted our rescue group about his son's three dogs. His son (Andrew) has a 3-year-old intact male pit bull that he bred to his friend's pit bull. She had three puppies four months ago, and Andrew kept one of them. Andrew also has another 4-month-old puppy (a beautiful blue girl that looks like a combination of Bella and Norris) at his house that belongs to his friend. His friend was supposed to be looking for a house to move into that will allow him to have a dog, but that doesn't seem like it's going to happen. Andrew's dad has been the primary caretaker of these dogs (even though Andrew doesn't even live with him), and he wants to find new homes for them. Our rescue group agreed that if Andrew got his adult male dog neutered, we would take the two puppies and find new homes for them. I really hope we get these puppies. The blue girl is absolutely gorgeous, and I'm sure she will be bred if we don't get her. Cleaning up other peoples' messes gets so frustrating and heartbreaking sometimes...

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Norris is here!

Brent and I are doggysitting Norris for the next week and a half while his owner is out east visiting family. I hadn't seen Norris since the night he got adopted, so I was really excited to see him tonight. He's such a cute, sweet, energetic little guy. He's 16 weeks old now, and he only weighs 21 lbs. Bella was already that big by the time she was 12 weeks old! Here's a picture I took of him tonight:

Saturday, December 09, 2006

We almost lost Remy last night. :(

I was at Norris' new owner's house doing the hand off last night, and Brent was at home getting ready to go back to work. Bella and Remy were playing in the kitchen, and Bella got her bottom jaw stuck in Remy's collar. Brent thought they were fighting and threw a baby gate at them and tried to separate them, but quickly realized what was going on. Remy was literally 2 seconds away from being choked to death. Brent said he thought he was watching our dog die when he couldn't get the collar off (he was using a knife to try to cut it off.) Remy deficated and vomited all over the kitchen, but at the last second, his collar popped off. Brent called me and was so completely in shock that he was screaming and trembling, and I couldn't understand a word he was saying. He took Remy to the emergency vet, and I met them over there. Remy has bite wounds on his neck from Bella's struggle to get free of him, and Brent had a few knife cuts on his hands that he had to go to the hospital to get checked out, but everything is okay here now.

I've never seen my husband crying and trembling so much in the three years we've been together. He said he will never forget the look on Remy's face as he was at the edge of death. Part of me is really glad that I wasn't home to see that. I knew Brent loved our dogs, but I discovered his devotion to them last night.

Sunday, December 03, 2006

We still have Norris. He had his first experience with snow this week. He absolutely loves it, even though he shivers the entire time he's outside. :)