Monday, February 05, 2007


We didn't get Champ. The people who were going to give him up to the rescue group ended up giving him away for free (before he was neutered) to a 16-year-old kid. :(

I went to the animal shelter on Saturday and snapped a few pictures. It is so depressing there. I'm almost glad that the dogs there aren't given much time to find a home, because living in those conditions just has to be torture for all of the dogs.

A sweet little pit bull puppy that was found running loose. She may be our next foster if she isn't reclaimed within the next week.

A very sweet Boxer/pit bull/Great Dane(?) mix named Sophie. She was a stray.

How can you say no to that face?

A handsome Golden Retriever whose time is almost up. He's about 5-7 years old.

This girl broke my heart. She was the only dog not barking and carrying on. She would be a wonderful pet for an elderly person and would probably make an excellent therapy dog. She was left outside of the shelter on a freezing day inside of a metal crate. How could anyone be so heartless?

I wish I had room for them all.

1 comment:

sasha said...

the dog sophie thats black and white... the pit bull, boxer and great dane mix where did you get her? because i have a dog that looks exactly like her her name is bella and she is a pit bull, boxer and great dane mix she has the same marking and same coloring. even the same white spot in her nose