Monday, June 04, 2007

Tyson update

Well, Tyson the wonderdog is still with us. It's been almost 2 months now. We've had a few interested potential adopters, but nothing has worked out so far. It stinks that a dog with such a flawless temperament hasn't been adopted yet. Oh well....the right family will come along! Until then, we're blessed to have Tyson in our home. Bella and Remy get along with him beautifully, and I'm sure they'll be sad to see him go. We'll all be sad to see him go. When Tyson leaves, Brent and I will probably take a month-long (maybe longer) break from fostering. I hate forsaking dogs in need, but we really do need a break every once in a while to maintain our sanity!

Quick Norris update: He had surgery on his front leg a couple of months ago. He was on total bed rest for 6 whole weeks. Poor guy. He just got a clean bill of health, so he came over yesterday for a play date. Look how big he's gotten! He weighs 52 lbs., but he has a lot of 6-weeks-of-inactivity fat to shed.

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