Friday, October 27, 2006

B & R

I'm really glad that Bella and Remy get along so well. Bella is a dominant female, and Remy is a very effeminate, submissive male. Bella can just throw him an evil eye, and he slinks down and licks her face. He worships the ground she walks on, and I love it that way! I don't think their relationship would be as harmonious as it is if Remy ever tried to challenge her. They're best buds right now, but I know their dynamics could change at any time (especially since they're coming into their maturity.) We just take it one day at a time, hoping for the best and preparing for the worst.

I love these two knuckleheads!

1 comment:

petros said...

Your pups are so great!!! I hope they continue in their roles...pitty disagreements can get ugly.

I love that second to last pic: nothing better than tired pups!