Friday, April 20, 2007


I hate trying to talk people I know out of buying from breeders. It seems like such a circular argument, and I rarely ever "win."

Them: "But I want a purebred dog! Nothing but a purebred!"
Me: "There are thousands of purebred dogs in shelters all over the country. is a great resource for finding the perfect dog for your family."

Them: "But I want a dog that is registered, so that I know for sure it's purebred!"
Me: "Registration papers do not make a dog more lovable, more trainable, or inherently more valuable than a dog (purebred or mutt) without registration papers."

Them: "But I want to know where my dog came from!"
Me: "Unless you're buying from a breeder who temperament tests, health tests (for genetic disorders, not just an ordinary yearly vet check-up), and who works and shows their dogs, you really have no idea 'where they came from' because their breeding is nothing more than a crapshoot, a 'cross our fingers and hope this turns out well' deal."

Them: "But there is a reason why the dogs are in shelters or rescue groups!"
Me: "And those reasons rarely have anything to do with the dog. People give up their pets for all kinds of stupid reasons: allergies, couldn't be bothered to train them, moved somewhere were dogs weren't allowed, didn't have time for the dog when they had a baby, etc."

Them: "But I want to be sure that my dog has never been abused, so it won't 'snap' on me someday!"
Me: "A stable dog will not just 'snap,' no matter what it's gone through in its life. Look at my Remy. He was neglected and abused for the first 13 months of his life, and I've never know a dog more trusting and sweet than he is. Reputable rescue groups thoroughly temperament test their dogs and only adopt out the best of the best. I'd be happy to help you find such a rescue group."

Me: *sad*


petros said...

Good post Leeann. It really is sad that this is the mindset with a large number of people. "Purebreed" means one thing in my mind: $$$$$$. Lots of these breeders are after money. I think we would both agree that there are some out there with right motives, but they are definitly few and far between.

Did a particular situation spur this rant or was this random? :D Sometimes the smallest thing sets me off... and other times it's totally random! :)

Leeann said...

Nah - it wasn't a particular situation that sparked this rant. More like a culmination of situations! :) It's hard to convince people that rescuing a dog is the way to go when they have their minds made up that purebred puppies from a breeder (any breeder - even the worst ones!) are always superior to shelter/rescue dogs. I'm slowly winning people over with our awesome fosters, though. :)