Wednesday, April 11, 2007

New foster - Tyson

This is Tyson. He's about 10 months old or so, and he was rescued from a neglectful home by a sweet elderly lady. She knew she couldn't keep Tyson, so I was contacted as a potential foster home. Brent and I totally fell in love with him when we met him on Monday, and it didn't take long to decide that he would be coming home with us. We have a potential home lined up for him, but I'm not going to count my chickens before they hatch. ;)

Bella and Remy are doing really well. They both turned two recently (Remy in February and Bella in March.) They've been so patient and sweet about sharing their home with our plethora of fosters recently. We're so lucky to have such good dogs that get along with any dog we bring into the house. I hope they continue to enjoy sharing their home with foster buddies because Brent and I really do love fostering and want to continue it for as long as we're able to.

In not-so-good news, Norris (a former foster and favorite of ours) is going to have to have surgery on his ankle to repair an old injury that never healed correctly. Poor guy! His owner is going to be moving to Arizona soon, so we're not going to be able to visit Norris much longer. We're going to miss him like crazy! He's turning out to be such an amazing dog. He's 7 1/2 months old now, and he weighs about 40-45 lbs. He's going to get bigger than everyone thought he would!

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